I am back on the road ministering in song and sermon after recovering from open heart bypass surgery. However, I will have to use wisdom in scheduling in order to give my body necessary time to totally recover. So you will notice less dates being scheduled. Doctors...


Upon full recovery from open heart surgery in mid December 2014, Quinton plans to return traveling, ministering in song and sermon. The target date as of now will be some time in May. Please check updated event schedule for confirmations. He is recovering well at home...

Quinton Mills Has Heart Surgery

On December 11,2014 Quinton underwent open heart bypass surgery. It was very successful and was caught in time to prevent a heart attack.  This unexpected surgery has forced Quinton to postpone some of his dates in early 2015, please refer to event calender for...

Working With TCT (Total Christian Television)

Since the summer of 2013, I have been working with the TCT network that is home based in Marion Illinois. I did an interview and sang at the TCT station in Greensboro in August 2013. In September 2013, I did the same for the TCT station in Marion, Illinois. Then in...